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Philippine Community Aid 2020-2021(Typhoon Goni)


Updated: Nov 12, 2020

The most powerful typhoon of the year 2020 devastated communities across the Philippines, a week after Typhoon Molave hit the same region, killing 22 people and flooding low-lying villages and farmland.

Hundreds of schools have been damaged by the typhoon, including critical education supplies. In total, 68.6 million people have been affected by Typhoon Goni in some way, including 724,000 children in the most affected areas.

Goni Relief Benefit Concert LIVE with Tara Hack

Our Mission:

Florence Nightingale Global Health has partnered with the Rotary E-Club of Global Trekkers D7690, US Musician Tara Hack, and our Rotary teams in the Philippines to bring hope and opportunity to impoverished people in the Philippines.

Our FNGH Team in North Carolina have already boxed up much needed humanitarian aid supplies in balikbayan boxes that are being shipped from the United States to the Philippines.

Donate to help us send more of these supplies to affected communities.

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